Saturday, May 3, 2008

It's Crunch Time

This weekend I get to...
1. Study for my AP World History exam
2. Do an AP World History Project
3. Do AP World History test corrections
4. Do my French placement exam for School M.
5. Do the rest of my homework
6. Go to rowing practice (but I'm finding a way out of that)
7. Hopefully go see a movie
8. Repair a relationship that is breaking down.

As you see, I have absolutely no free time in my schedule. So what am I doing? Procrastinating (Don't do it kiddos, I'm a hypocrite).

This somehow has turned into a me-post-once-a-month blog. I'll try to change that for May and summer. I just have three more weeks until blissful, blissful freedom! Then I start counting down the days until Orientation!

Let's see what's been going on in the boarding school world, shall we?

A few weeks ago, I got this beautiful packet about next year. It had a course book, a math and language placement test, a Tuition Refund Plan, and letters from various VIPs. Now, I want to go to a top college (try Brown on for size) so I have to have a suicidal schedule. I e-mailed both my college counselor (I lucked out and got the head, who used to be way high up in a certain Ivy's admission office) and the Dean of Academics last night. The Dean is proctoring the SATs, so she has yet to reply, but according to my college counselor I'm in for all APs (except French, I'm not advanced enough to take AP) next year. That was my schedule at my current school too. Good thing there's an add-drop period of two weeks! I also got a School M bumper sticker in the mail.

The French placement test was a breeze. Mostly French 1 and French 2 stuff, and I'm in french 3 so....

I didn't have to take the math placement test, because I'm above Trig :)
My friend who goes to School M has been telling me all about the people I "need to know" and I've been checking out their Facebook site to see which aspects of myself fit in with the rest of M. Guess I'll be bringing my "The Office: Season One" DVD.

So I guess that's it. Time to write about religious incidents between 1750 and 1914!
